Did You Know?

Did you know that learner-centered education, promoting the capacity of each student to achieve in a technical setting, supported by a knowledgeable, qualified instructor, has the potential to change our education systems and promote economic justice for all students?
Based on the work of Caballero-García
Caballero-García, B. (2018). Promoting Social Justice through 21st Century Skills: Thematic Units in the Language Classroom. Dimension 2018, 130-145.

Did you know that your view is unique? The way you understand and engage with your students and colleagues is influenced by your knowledge, perspectives, and understandings, as well as your gender, race, class, ethnicity, ability, and geography.
Based on the work of Herr & Anderson
Herr, K., & Anderson, G.L. (2015). The Action Research Dissertation. SAGE.

Did you know that planning for documentation and reflection throughout the learning cycle will actively engage students and teachers in the learning process? Learning improves when reflection occurs before, during, and after a learning experience. Documentation and reflection throughout the learning cycle provide teachers with opportunities to be responsive to learners in real-time.
Based on the work of Janet Eyler
Eyler, J. (2001). Creating your reflection map. New directions for higher education, 2001(114), 35-43.

Did you know that students will engage when their needs are met? To achieve positive outcomes, teachers need to first know their students to meet their needs. Once students’ needs are met, teachers can begin to give meaning to the curriculum by blending their expertise with industry standards, state requirements, and student interests.
Based on the work of William Doyle’s 3 Levels of Curriculum
Archive, Digital & Gsu, & Lokey-Vega, Anissa. (2023). Investigation of Alignment Between Goals of Schooling Relevant to Georgia and the Georgia Performance Standards.

Did you know that procedures & routines promote equity in education?
- Procedures are what the teacher wants to be done.
- 3 steps for teaching procedures: teach, rehearse, reinforce/remind.
- When students are taught procedures, they are taught responsibility for their learning.
- Classroom & instructional procedures improve teaching & learning.
- Routines are procedures students learn to do automatically.
Based on the work of Harry & Rosemary Wong
Wong, H.K. & Wong, R.K. (2018). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher (5th ed.) Mountain View, CA Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong.

Did you know that differentiation is an essential element of effective teaching?
- Is your setting inviting for all learners?
- Do students know, understand, and demonstrate the lesson goals?
- Do you use formative assessments to inform instruction?
- Are your summative assessments aligned with instruction?
- Are students your students’ learning participants or recipients?
- Are your students taught to be efficient learners?
- Do you establish learning partnerships with students?
- Do you create instructional units and lesson plans accessible to all students?
- Do you provide regular and predictable times to work with the whole class?
- Do you provide regular and predictable times to focus on the strengths, needs, and interests of individuals and small groups?
Based on the work of Carol Ann Tomlinson
Tomlinson, C.A. (2022). Everybody’s Classroom: Differentiating for the Shared and Unique Needs of Diverse Students. Teachers College Press.