I’m a teacher. Now what?
New career technical teachers often ask this question when they enter the education field. New teachers may not have been part of a school community since they earned their high school diplomas. The school is not a job site, although the shop setting may resemble one. The students are not apprentices, although they are preparing for trade-specific employment.
So, where do we go from here?
Research tells us that college and career readiness can be considered a developmental process, beginning in high school and lasting several years (Falco & Steen, 2018). Additionally, students studying in a technical field have a more substantial potential to earn a living wage (Plasman, 2018) than students who did not participate in career technical programs. It is essential to consider that the most significant impact on student achievement, over which teachers have authority, is what teachers believe about their students (Hattie, 2019). What do you believe about your students? Do you have a plan to engage your students? If not, this guide is for you.
Filling Your Toolbox
This asynchronous professional development guide will offer information, suggestions, and strategies to support your transition from tradesperson to teacher. It is arranged by theme and may be explored in any order. Welcome to the teaching profession, we are glad you are here!